Hello, Is there a way to override `defautlRequest`...
# ktor
Hello, Is there a way to override
for some requests?
We have single host for almost every endpoint we have.
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defaultRequest {
    url {
        protocol = URLProtocol.HTTPS
        host = "<http://myapi.com|myapi.com>"
But we have to send a request to a different host for only single endpoint. I've tried to do this, but defautlRequest overrides the host.
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suspend fun HttpClient.getOther(): Other = get("<https://example.com/other>")
it sends request to
(it appends the path)
Thanks @Big Chungus but that didn't really answer my question. @Shan asked it better than me two years ago I think. She also didn't get an answer. I think I will have to try that approach. https://kotlinlang.slack.com/archives/C0A974TJ9/p1585177844026500
Doesn't it? HTTPClient factory would allow you to set http host each time a client us requested
Okay I get it, but how is it different then setting host for every request. I wanted to set a default host for %90 of my requests. With that approach, I have to create two HTTPClient with the same settings except the host.
Because with the factory you can take host as an argument with default value
So if you request a client without specifying host, you'll get default.
Not to mention that you can encapsulate other config in the factory instead of repeating it in all call sites
Okay, you're right thanks. I have an Api class which I inject my HTTPClient. I think I have to have a different Api class for other endpoint and inject other HTTPClient there.
But, wouldn't it be better if ktor just didn't ignore my host when I try to request to a full url?
Wait, it should respect host config on request instead of default
What are you doing now? Smells like a bug
If you set default host, but then you set the host again on request config the latter should take precedence
I already did that ages ago and it worked back then. Might be a regression with recent versions.
I set my default host like this on the factory:
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defaultRequest {
    url {
        protocol = URLProtocol.HTTPS
        host = "<http://myapi.com|myapi.com>"
        encodedPath = "apiPath$encodedPath"
And I have an extension function to define my endpoints.
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suspend fun HttpClient.getOther(): Other = get("<https://example.com/other>")
request is sent to
Ah, that's the problem!
Yes thank you 😄
On getOrOther() you need to set host in request config instead of passing it in the url
get() should take a request config lambda arg which should let you override host
I tried that too 😞 It didn't work. You're talking about this right?
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suspend fun HttpClient.getOther(): Other = get {
    url {
        host = "<http://example.com|example.com>"
or this:
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suspend fun HttpClient.getOther(): Other = get {
    host = "<http://example.com|example.com>"
    url {
I was talking about your second example
Looks like a regression. Raise a bug.
I didn't try the second one actually. Does it matter if it worked? Shouldn't other ones work too?
I think uri {} is the same as passing full uri in the url arg, so not sure if it should work any different than that, whereas second one overrides host prop explicitly
okay, i will file a bug anyway. thanks
👍 1