On Android, I’m using `io.ktor:ktor-client-okhttp`...
# ktor
On Android, I’m using
but need to support Android 4.2+, so I included OkHttp in version
as documented by OkHttp to support Android 4. Will bis cause problems when using Ktor together with OkHttp? Is compatibility between versions documented somewhere?
I've tried to replace the current version of the OkHttp library from
in the Ktor repository and as the result, the`ktor-client-okhttp` module fails to compile.
Hm, I had no problem compiling / building the android app when using Ktor 1.6.6 and OkHttp 3.12.0, and something like a basic get request seems to work (I was more wondering about runtime errors in edge cases etc.), the dependencies look like this:
Copy code
def ktor_version = "1.6.6"
def okhttp_version = "3.12.0"

implementation "io.ktor:ktor-client-core:$ktor_version"
implementation "io.ktor:ktor-client-okhttp:$ktor_version"
implementation "io.ktor:ktor-client-jackson:$ktor_version"
implementation "com.squareup.okhttp3:logging-interceptor:$okhttp_version"
implementation("com.squareup.okhttp3:okhttp") {
    version { strictly "$okhttp_version" }
Is the ktor repository already on Ktor 2.0? I might be ok with staying on 1.6.6 for now. As CIO only works from Android 8+, I probably would need to use the Android engine to be fully backwards compatible for 4.2, that should work for all future Ktor versions I assume? It would probably be helpful to add the minSDK for every engine in the engine docs, maybe also in context of the ktor version used.
Is the ktor repository already on Ktor 2.0?
I probably would need to use the Android engine to be fully backwards compatible for 4.2, that should work for all future Ktor versions I assume?
We maintain backward compatibility.
t would probably be helpful to add the minSDK for every engine in the engine docs, maybe also in context of the ktor version used.
We have plans to do this.
👍 1