hi, i have a problem about implementing <https://g...
# ktor
hi, i have a problem about implementing https://github.com/papsign/Ktor-OpenAPI-Generator library for swagger. But after launching swagger-ui i'm facing a bug: Serializing collections of different element types is not yet supported. Selected serializers: [com.papsign.ktor.openapigen.model.schema.DataFormat, kotlin.Boolean, com.papsign.ktor.openapigen.model.schema.DataType]
Is there any better library for swagger i can use?
There is another library https://github.com/nielsfalk/ktor-swagger. Also, here is a feature request to integrate this feature into Ktor.
👍 1
Thanks, i solved bug. It's all about gson serialization. I changed to jackson then it is fixed
Hello @Emirhan Emmez, how are you? Do you happen to have an example that I can use?
Hi @Júlio Santos, sorry for late retexting. https://github.com/emirhanemmez/KtorFirstProject in develop branch can you check plugins/OpenApi.kt? Btw, I'm not an expert, i wrote only one sample route