i have a question regarding KTOR, is there any way...
# ktor
i have a question regarding KTOR, is there any way to plugin in an engine that implements a non-HTTP protocol? KTOR looks really nice and i'd like it to be able to support a request/response framework that is proprietary.
Hmm, is this for what I think it's for? 😄
most likely yes 🙂
Sure, "just" create you own engine and put the instance in the
. Alternative you could use the classpath resolving to use HOCON files.
yeah i was raeding through https://ktor.io/docs/custom-engines.html#applicationengine-api but it isn't apparent whether, engines are protocol agnostic?
I feel like a lot of Ktor is centred around http, once you do any custom protocol like some proprietary application service framework, you lose a lot of the Ktor features.
yeah that's what i'm trying to figure out, whether or not pipelines are protocol agnostic, if they are that'd be nice
Ahh it's that bit you care about. Yeah that's agnostic afaik.
In addition to HTTP ktor has websockets so non-http is doable for sure.
According to the docs: Some engines can support other connector types, hence not an enum.
So you should be able to implement it
And you can work with just raw sockets as well: https://ktor.io/docs/servers-raw-sockets.html#server