Hello from the Netherlands :wave: I have a questio...
# ktor
Hello from the Netherlands 👋 I have a question regarding Multiplatform. The client side of Ktor is already supporting mutliplatform usage and there is an effort in making the server have that as well. Does that mean that all plugins for either side are automatically supporting multiplatform too? If not, how can I find out which ones are or not?
🇳🇱 5
Does that mean that all plugins for either side are automatically supporting multiplatform too?
There are no plugins that work on both client and server with the same artifact ID. We have the
plugin that will be available for the client in Ktor 2.0.0. It's multiplatform on the client-side and JVM only on the server-side.
How can I find out which ones are or not?
You can search for an artifact on Maven Central and see if there is a suffix in a name for the desired platform, e.g. https://search.maven.org/search?q=g:io.ktor%20v:1.6.5%20a:ktor-client-core-*
Thanks Aleksei! So when using plugins in multiplatform projects it's important to double check if they are supported.