I'm writing a KMM app and I'd like to share Ktor r...
# ktor
I'm writing a KMM app and I'd like to share Ktor routes between server and client. Right now I'm using string for route names:
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// server
route("user") {
    post("setFavorite") {
route("auth") {
    post("facebook") {
route("other") {

// client
I'd like to share this names to prevent errors. For example with interface like this:
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sealed interface ServerRoutes {
    sealed interface User: ServerRoutes {
        object SetFavorite: User
    sealed interface Auth: ServerRoutes {
        object Facebook: Auth
    object Other: ServerRoutes
Which could be used like this:
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// server
route(ServerRoutes.User) {
    post(ServerRoutes.User.SetFavorite) {
route(ServerRoutes.Auth) {
    post(ServerRoutes.Auth.Facebook) {
route(ServerRoutes.Other) {

// client
I think I can generate routes from class names using annotation processor, but I'm wondering if there's some existing solution?
In theory: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/KTOR-1706 But until its implementation I simple define the routes in a shared API class, which takes an
as parameter and use this API class in the clients and in the backend tests as well to prevent wrong names, different methods, response codes, body serialization etc: https://github.com/hfhbd/ComposeTodo/blob/main/shared/src/commonMain/kotlin/app/softwork/composetodo/API.kt https://github.com/hfhbd/ComposeTodo/blob/main/backend/src/test/kotlin/app/softwork/composetodo/TodoModuleKtTest.kt
@hfhbd Yes,
is exactly what I'm looking for! Sadly it doesn't support multiplatform so far, I only have found this feature request
There is a work in progress for the implementation of the
plugin that will support multiplatform.