Honest question: What is it that excites people ab...
# ktor
Honest question: What is it that excites people about the prospect of Ktor/Native for Server? I see quite a lot of enthusiasm for that but the reason is passing me by... ...aren't server side performance and runtime characteristics already well served on the JVM? While Native code can always surpass VM _in theory_; my understanding is the current Kotlin/Native compiler still has a long way to go before it can match the formidable optimisations implemented in, say, the Hotspot VM... and there's no assurance that JVM-beating performance will ever be a direct K/N goal. Only other factors I can think of are memory usage (JVM containers are typically memory hogs) or ease of deployment.
Cold startup is a big one for serverless uses
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👍 2
Right... so starting the whole service just-in-time to serve a request. Does the serverless use case typically mean a service runtime 1:1 for each request or keep-alive for a limited period?
It's one dependency less you need to care for. Your JVM must be updated regulary.
“keep-alive for a limited period” I’d say
👍 1