Hi there! Does anybody know if `ktor 2.0` going to...
# ktor
Hi there! Does anybody know if
ktor 2.0
going to have support for multiplatform websockets (Client side)?
As Ktor 1.6 already has such support, I suppose Ktor 2.0 will have it as well.
Interesting. Do you mean Client side support? Do you know what minimum ios version is supported?
Just got to the part where Hadi was asked about websocket support on ios. Looks like they are still blocked by some issues on K\Native and as soon as they got resolved they will do their part.


Ah, I see, you're interested in Native, that's apparently a different issue. Websockets on browser clients do work, and if I remember correctly, the same on Android. Hopefully IOS will catch up there.
Here is a feature request for supporting Websockets on iOS.
@hhariri which issues is this blocked on? or is it a more “we need the new memory model to make this work” thing?
Mainly the new memory model, but will talk to team about any updates
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