Hey! We’re going to have a lot of iot devices that...
# ktor
Hey! We’re going to have a lot of iot devices that need to connect to a server on our backend and we’re considering building our server with ktor, any thoughts on this? Is ktor a good idea to handle a lot of connections with small payloads?
Don’t have anything to say agains this.
Thanks! That helps 🙂
We're using Ktor with websockets for exactly this purpose/reason, maintaining always-on websocket connections to devices running in the field (public transport terminals in our case)
That’s great to hear Joris! 😄 I think we’ll go with Ktor. Our other candidate is vert.x but from what I’m reading ktor sounds like a great option
Both are great, we've been using Vert.X with great success as well for IoT inside of moving vehicles, but that was before coroutines were available. If I were to build that software today I'd probably choose Ktor there as well!