Hello All, Im trying to figure out, how i can upl...
# ktor
Hello All, Im trying to figure out, how i can upload multi records using below example in ktor. I dont see this possiblity using
Example json:
{Key:[{Var:value, var:value},{Var:value, var:value}]}
Any idea how i can handle more that one in single route? Also did its possible to combine two keys in one route?
I don't think I fully understood your problem but if
is a string then receiving works with the following code:
Copy code
fun main() {
    embeddedServer(Netty, port = 8080) {
        install(ContentNegotiation) {

        routing {
            post("/json") {
                val r = call.receive<Request>()

data class Request(val Key: List<Entry>)
data class Entry(@SerialName("Var") val var1: Value, @SerialName("var") val var2: Value)
typealias Value = String
I need to insert two types of objects in one route. These objects have diffrent values(String, Int, boolean) I have object1 and few object2. Objects one is document header and object2 are single lines of document body. How i should handle it? I have postgres db and when i need post new single object i use call.receive<myDataClass> and pass return value to insert fun()
Could you please share a valid JSON example? How do you determine which type of object to receive if there could be two of them?
Example JSON:
{"Header": {
"Created by":"someString",
"Assigned to":"someString",
I didnt define it yet, the point is that I looking for way to define it in proper way and handle it in single route if it's possible. Only idea that i have is to close object in key like on example, but even if its valid I'm still dont know how to receive it and split to separed objects.
Please correct me if I am wrong, the
is the details of an order and each
element is the details of an item in that order. If so then I suggest making an array for a list of items:
Copy code
  "Header": {
    "OrderNo": "someInt",
    "Created by": "someString",
    "Company": "someString",
    "Status": "someString",
    "CreateDate": "someLong",
    "EstimateDate": "someLong",
    "EndDate": "someLong",
    "Assigned to": "someString",
    "Priority": "someBool",
    "Reference": "someString"
  "Items": [
      "headerID": "someInt",
      "Item": "someString",
      "Quantity": "someInt",
      "Position": "someString",
      "Warehouse": "someString",
      "Confirmation": "someBool"
      "headerID": "someInt",
      "Item": "someString",
      "Quantity": "someInt",
      "Position": "someString",
      "Warehouse": "someString",
      "Confirmation": "someBool"
So to deserialize it you will need to have a class for the root JSON object, a class for a header, and a class for an item. Does it make sense?
👍🏻 1
Then you can save them in a database however you want.