I have a fleet of IoT devices and want some GUI to...
# ktor
I have a fleet of IoT devices and want some GUI to control them. GUI per device. There is nothing in the wild to meet my requirements. But panels themselves are elementary: show some data, let press some buttons to execute something in a shell. Setup Ktor with a few endpoints + WebSocket is easy. But GUI is another story. MPP + kotlin/js + GUI itself requires tons of time. What lib/frameworks/tools are devs using nowadays? My requirements are pretty low, just get shit done and be very fast. It could look ugly as hell. Love to hear some advice.
KVision is more completed and quite pretty. Nice work!
SupportsĀ ReactĀ components with KVision DSL and built-in state management.
I just wondering. It already support react components. Is any plans to support compose-jb?
It's probably possible but I don't think it will happen before some stabilization of compose-web API. Of course KVision is open for any contributions šŸ™‚
There are no compose-web component libraries yet, so not much point in bothering to support it
That makes sense. Just after looking at examples, I believe jetpack compose as backend could be more efficient, by rendering only changed parts. Of course, for my applications, it is not a problem and I do not have time to build everything from scratch.
There's also #fritz2 if you don't need kvision's nice adapters between server side and ui for the project