Is there anyone successfully using ktor on ios via...
# ktor
Is there anyone successfully using ktor on ios via kotlin multiplatform? I gave up trying 6-12 months ago in favor of my own home-grown (but hacky) solution, but curious if the kinks ever got worked out.
I’m using ktor http client in a multiplatform library running on iOS and JVM/Android. So far, so good.
Do you remember what was the issue you were facing?
Yup, I am using ktor for both android and iOS currently in my project, its not in production but still under development, so far all works fine
Same for me. Using it in multiplatform library for both iOS and Android.
Sweet -- I'll give it another try. I was running into occasional freeze exceptions within ktor
Yes, you should use it carefully and use
version of coroutines to avoid freeze exceptions.
was using native-mt back then as well
haven't done a new deploy yet, but working smoothly with local testing. great work ktor team!
Do you guys think
is production ready? I’m not using it yet after seeing this information in the documentation:
Copy code
Using multithreaded coroutines may result in memory leaks. This can be a problem for complex coroutine scenarios under load. We are working on a solution for this.