What's the best way to use coroutines to launch wo...
# ktor
What's the best way to use coroutines to launch work and then respond without waiting for the work to finish? Basically, I want to accept a request, validate it, launch work, and then respond that it was a valid request and work is being done. I don't need to have a callback for this. So like (pseodo-kotlin-ish)
Copy code
route("/foo") {
  get("{bar}") {
    if not validFoo(call.parameters) return@get call.respondText("invalid", status = HttpStatusCode.BadRequest)
    launch { longRunningWorkIDontNeedAResponseFrom(call.parameters) }
    call.respondText("Started work")
I know I'm using coroutine already, but...do I need to set up the coroutine scope? Can I share a thread pool with ktor?
I've seen this example https://github.com/ktorio/ktor-samples/blob/1.3.0/feature/async/src/AsyncApplication.kt But that example waits for the results, which I don't want to do .
I can just use launch as long I'm calling suspended functions.
the request handler already has a coroutine scope, but for long-running work you might want to launch on Dispatchers.IO. Another common pattern is to have the call to a service synchronously return a reference to the work that also gets launched, so that you can eventually provide some form of UX where the client gets notified the work is complete.
Thank you! I'll launch on dispatchers, I expect. We don't need the callback references though; nature of the work.