Why may Ktor Authentication feature's authenticate...
# ktor
Why may Ktor Authentication feature's authenticated route handlers be executed with empty principal, despite of not being optional? Code further in thread
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routing {
    authenticate("vk") {
              //... endpoint i use for communication with oAuth2 service
            val principal = call.authentication.principal<OAuthAccessTokenResponse.OAuth2>() //principal is null, why?
            call.respondText {
                "Oh hi mark!"
There is an issue in multiple samples in github of Ktor, that is being fixed, by, as I think, a hack with session == null -> redirect in every endpoint, because OAuthProvider with providerLookup returning null is just being ignored.
I'm also experiencing this behaviour, what approach did you take to solve it afterall? Does it happen to be as part of an open sourced project I can take a look at?