Hi everyone, I’m facing error while calling Ktor A...
# ktor
Hi everyone, I’m facing error while calling Ktor API
SLF4J: Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder".
SLF4J: Defaulting to no-operation (NOP) logger implementation
This error doesn’t come when i pass HashMap<String, String> to body But whenever i’m passing,
HashMap<String, Any>
then only getting error. Any idea? Do I need to add SLF4J dependency🤔
That error usually gets printed if you haven't added the slf4j dependency.
It has nothing to do with your HashMap
Also, it is just a warning. If you don't need such logging you can ignore it
No It’s just not a warning. I think API was not called due to this error.
You say the error doesn't come when you pass a HasMap<String,String>, right. Pass that and loom at your console
HashMap<String,String> is working fine for many APIs Actually hashMap for some request had nested map also So I needed HashMap<String, Any> Anyhow , I replaced HashMap with one model class And passing that class into request body So working fine for now.
This log is printed by slf4j when there is no logging dependency found. It’s not related to you API. Add one of the required dependencies, for example
and you will see real error logs.
👍 2