I see that Ktor has a generator that reads OpenAPI...
# ktor
I see that Ktor has a generator that reads OpenAPI, is there a way to do the opposite (generate an OpenAPI file from my route declarations)?
I've used https://github.com/nielsfalk/ktor-swagger in one project and seems to work well.... though note that it isn't being maintained
Maybe could be integrated in to ktor?
Here is the ticket to track https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/KTOR-774. We are investigating different ways on how to implement it using idiomatic kotlin and ktor style. No estimates yet.
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Thanks, I hope it makes it into Ktor one day 👍
Or you can create a common multiplatform library between backend and frontend with DTO's and paths and whatnot, which you can call upon from code 🙂 Then there is no need for api generation
Not all projects allow me to choose the tech for backend and frontend. It's already pretty good that I managed to get Ktor/Kotlin at all.
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I implement OpenAPI generator myself in my ktor-example side project. but it is not a independent library https://github.com/csieflyman/ktor-example
dunno if it helps ^ (for swagger generation)