Hi, any ideas how to import Ktor plugin to intelli...
# ktor
Hi, any ideas how to import Ktor plugin to intelliJ IDEA? in the plugins market there's a Ktor (Obsolete) which looks like not the supported version. and on the website I downloaded the Ktor lib which contains ktor-plugin.jar, resources_en.jar, but can't find a way to import both
Should I first import ktor-plugin.jar and then resources_en.jar? or there is a way to import the whole package? cuz importing ktor-plugin.jar seems not working and doesn't show ktor project in the create section
There should be two such plugins in your search results
only one is showing
in your sc looks like only 7k have downloaded it which is weird right? like its not available for everyone..
is it limited to intelliJ Ultimate edition?
That may be the case. Since I have ultimate I wasn't aware it isn't available to everyone
There's also some persons complaining about this on the plugin page https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/16008-ktor
seems like an old problem they still didn't fix it,
is it okay if I used the Obsolete version?
You're right. Wow how did I not know this was a thing. You should be able to use the obsolete version on ktor 1.5.3 and below
@hhariri is this plugin only available on IntelliJ ultimate edition?
alright will use it then.
Correct. Up to 1.5.3 we continued to support the now obsolete version.
The new plugin only works for Ultimate.
Thanks for confirming. I don't remember seeing anything about this on the roadmap. Are there any plans for community support or maybe you can say why it was dropped?
I believe we mentioned it on the roadmap and also when we introduced it recently https://blog.jetbrains.com/ktor/2021/02/03/say-hello-to-ktor-early-access-program-and-new-plugin/.
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Oh got it, I did get the ultimate version before with my student account, but for some reason its not working anymore and there is something wrong with the license, do you have any idea what should I do or whom to contact with such a problem? @hhariri
For community we’ll provide a free generator at start.ktor.io (currently being revamped to match that of the plugin), as well as some command line tools in the future. However, inspections, navigation, refactoring, and other advanced features will be ultimate only.
Sure, just shoot me an email (hadi@jetbrains.com) and I’ll forward it. I think you are also entitled to a graduation discount.
Alright thanks will send you an email with the whole thing
Thanks Hadi
And folks, in case you’re wondering why, we believe in sustainable tooling, and we want to continue to provide Ktor for free and OSS, and that won’t change. Our way of monetising this, much like Kotlin and other things, is via our professional tooling. And I think this is better in the long run for all. I realise some folks may not be able to have access to this, but we also have discount and free licensing programs.
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thanks for the clarification!
I agree 100%. This is why I got the all products pack and will continue to renew my license. You guys are doing great work
Thank you for your support!
Hey, I got the ultimate version to work again thanks to @hhariri. But now when I create a Ktor project it hits me up with this weird error/Bug
Could not open init generic class cache for initialization script 'C:\Users\RaedGhazal\AppData\Local\Temp\wrapper_init10.gradle' (C:\Users\RaedGhazal\.gradle\caches\6.8\scripts\cyer2hkl37ziufm7n80gnoqrp).
> BUG! exception in phase 'semantic analysis' in source unit '_BuildScript_' Unsupported class file major version 60
many questions about it out there but not really much useful answers, any ideas?
You're using java 11?
Yes I guess, should I switch to a higher version?
Try using Java 8
will try out
same thing
What version of IntelliJ IDEA and Kotlin are you using?
creating a kotlin project seems to work, the problem only occurs with Ktor projects
okay, somehow it works now with no problems.. Weird. Thanks for your time 😅