Getting following when trying to stat Ktor server ...
# ktor
Getting following when trying to stat Ktor server on Android 9...this seems to be Netty specific but if I try with Jetty instead it also crashes (but don't get any log like this). Same code works on Android 8.
Copy code
System.err: [main] INFO io.netty.util.internal.PlatformDependent - Your platform does not provide complete low-level API for accessing direct buffers reliably. Unless explicitly requested, heap buffer will always be preferred to avoid potential system instability.
Am using Ktor 1.4.1
also just before that in logs
Copy code
10-07 18:04:41.999  5312  5312 E .neatframe.hom: No implementation found for int (tried Java_io_netty_channel_kqueue_Native_sizeofKEvent and Java_io_netty_channel_kqueue_Native_sizeofKEvent__)
10-07 18:04:42.011  5312  5312 E .neatframe.hom: No implementation found for int (tried Java_io_netty_channel_epoll_Native_offsetofEpollData and Java_io_netty_channel_epoll_Native_offsetofEpollData__)
I know its out of topic, But why are you running ktor servers on android? what is your usecase? Sorry I don't know the answer to your question
@andylamax I have have a simple use case for server on Android. Android Things is google solution for IoT, so I have build device providing via http (server on Andorid) a simple possibility to setup and configure it … Its not very common but I can imagine other use cases for smartphone too
Also important to realise that Android is used in a number of different scenarios other than phones
thank you so much. I had not considered IoT