I just tried to update my shared library to Ktor 1...
# ktor
I just tried to update my shared library to Ktor 1.4.1, and updated to serialization 1.0.0-RC2 and coroutines 1.3.9-native-mt-2 (what kind of name is that anyway?), and I am now getting a mutability exception in one our iOS apps that uses it. It works fine with Ktor 1.4.0. I looked at the referenced issues in the release notes, but it sounds like it ought to be more forgiving, not less. Anybody else seeing this?
I am unsure how that issue is supposed to help me. Everything was working with (ktor:1.4.0, serialization1.0.0 RC,coroutines1.3.9-native-mt). When I updated to ktor:1.4.1, I get the error referenced in the issue (whether I use coroutines:1.3.9-native-mt-2 or serialization:1.0.0.RC2).
And I am not using logging. I am instantiating from the iOS side this class:
Copy code
class Network {

    internal val parser = Json { ignoreUnknownKeys = true; isLenient = true }

    private val client = HttpClient() {
        install(JsonFeature) {
            serializer = KotlinxSerializer(parser)