I have a question about websockets, i have a Chann...
# ktor
I have a question about websockets, i have a Channel that i am calling consumeEach on in the body of the webSocket route. This channel opens some resources which i would like to close if the websocket receives a client disconnect. Anyone any suggestions on how i might go about that?
This is what I’m doing. The finally should get called when the socket disconnects.
Thanks for that, but i think the reason this works is you are trying to receive messages, meaning if the client closes the socket you get an exception thrown at that point.
Right and you’re looking for a solution that isn’t exception based?
I dont mind if its exception based, but i am not expecting to receive anything from the client so im not calling receiveMessage
isn't the exception still thrown in that case?
well from my testing the websocket block is suspended waiting on the channel and no exception is thrown