Does anyone know of any open source that can buil...
# ktor
Does anyone know of any open source that can build video/audio call ? I’m using Ktor and I want to implement video/audio call with this framework. Thanks
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Probably it is best to look into webrtc which is available on the browser and in native client. I don’t know which platform you need it for but if it is multiple it is probably not so difficult to make a common library with expect actual implementations.
🎉 1
Have you got problem to development webrtc open source on web/ios/android/flutter? Thanks.
For now I only did audio/video calls with the sample apps to see how it works and read into it. It looked pretty easy. There was a NAT problem that is good to be aware of because it needs some extra server work to make like 20% of the connections go well.
Ohm thank you so much.
At work we use a commercial solution. With that I have some more experience. But if doing it anew I would look into WebRTC.