Hello folks! How do I handle API keys in Ktor? Whe...
# ktor
Hello folks! How do I handle API keys in Ktor? Where do I put and access them safely?
👀 2
Anyone, please?
This is not ktor specific I think. It’s a web framework. Easiest way would be make those keys available as environment variables and use these environment variables in the config.
Thanks, should it look something like this? How do I read this from Ktor code?
Is putting it in the application object correct?
So I usually keep all my application specific configs outside of ktor object like this :
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ktor {
  deployment {
    port = 8080
    autoreload = false
    watch = []

db {
  connectionTestQuery = SELECT 1
  isReadOnly = false
  jdbcUrl = ${JDBC_URL}  
I als use https://github.com/config4k/config4k for resolving config files. I find this approach pretty neat
and then you can override them based on environments, for example local :
Copy code
ktor {
  deployment {
    environment = "local"
    autoreload = true
    watch = ["my/source/package"]

db {
  password = ""
Thanks, seems a neat approach. Will try it 🙂