Considering pretty much all database ORMs are bloc...
# ktor
Considering pretty much all database ORMs are blocking, what is the recommended pattern for accessing database from ktor? Do we have to wrap everything in
? That would look pretty messy.
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I know about that, I was just wondering if there is a cleaner solution out there rather than wrapping every single database call into withContext
R2DBC is non blocking.
but it is not ORM, it only executes raw SQL calls
yes, but still it's a good alternative to consider
OK, I do not think it is messy at all. It think it is just very clear. If you are utilizing the functions you know that these are “main-safe”.
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well, it is very explicit. Considering database calls are big chunk of backend code, it adds a lot of cruft to the code.
Copy code
val user  = withContext(<http://Dispatchers.IO|Dispatchers.IO>) {

// doSomething with the user

withContext(<http://Dispatchers.IO|Dispatchers.IO>) {
Best thing I can see is creating my own proxy database layer that wraps all database calls into nice suspending calls. But that would make adding new database calls more complicated since call would have to be added to the proxy layer first.
OK, I would add all this into a service with suspend functions and wrapping all functions there.
yes, but still it's a good alternative to consider
I'm not sure how it can be an alternative. ORM and database connector are two completely different things.
yeah that was my idea. Just wanted to pick some brains to see if I was missing anything.
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t ? still, afaik you have to write your sql, so not a full-fledge orm, but it simplifies the mapping
@Matej Drobnič r2dbc with spring data libraries and coroutines extensions is definitely more than a database connector :-)