Hi, I am using ktor server ContentNegotiation feat...
# ktor
Hi, I am using ktor server ContentNegotiation features setup like this
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install(ContentNegotiation) {
on the client side, I use kotlinx-serialization to serialize a sealed class and post it to server but it doesn't work because the kotlinx-serialization produces different format than ktor-server expects. I thought they are supposed to use the same format. What is the way to make them work together?
For now, I hacked it by changing
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post<MyDto> { myDto -> 
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post { 
   val myDto = mySerializer.parse<MyDto>(call.receiveText())
why do you need now ContentNegotiation? you are doing mapping by hands now
yes, but I don't want to - I wanted to use the contentNegotiation feature, but it doesn't work as I expected
the same for me 😞