How do I register a customer serializer for a clas...
# ktor
How do I register a customer serializer for a class using kotlinx serialization in Ktor?
I've followed that, and use it to annotate my data class with
@Serializable(with = LocalDateSerializer::class)
. However, now I'm returning a
Map<LocalDate, foo>
and I don't know how to annotate this. Is there a way to register a serializer so that it's always used for a specific class?
e.g. I can do this with Jackson because I can get access to the object mapper:
where are you putting
@Serializable(with = LocalDateSerializer::class)
? it should just work if you put it on
That worked, on a data class. But where do I put it on a
Map<LocalDate, foo>
no i’m saying if you put that annotation on the
class itself, you shouldn’t need any annotation on the
LocalDate is a java class, I can't put it on the class itself
ah hm. not 100% sure but you might have to register a serializer for that Map type
turns out you can add an annotation to a type declaration:
Copy code
val timesheets: Map<@Serializable(with = LocalDateSerializer::class)LocalDate, DaySummary>
... but it doesn't seem to help
😮 1
You have a few options: Use a contextual serializer, use the
at each instance of the external class, or use
. I prefer the last solution since it’s a bit more clean imo. Both 2 and 3 only work if the serializer is a singleton or has a no-op constructor, otherwise you’ll need to register a contextual serializer with a
However in your specific use-case I believe you are being effected by this bug
Because there’s no concrete serializer defined for Map, the built in serializer (I think) relies on reflection, which doesn’t have a way of locating contextual serializers. The workaround is to reimplement the typeOf serializer function to accept the serialModule as an argument and try to find a contextual serializer for keys/values
The Ktor client is affected by this bug so I assume the same is true for the server
Thanks for the clarification, that makes sense.
Unfortunately the only actual fix is to implement your own JsonSerializer that uses the patched
implementation that I suggested in that issue.