When using the `ContentNegotiation` feature with J...
# ktor
When using the
feature with Jackson for JSON bodies Ktor responds with HTTP 500 if the client sends invalid JSON or JSON that does not match the data classes I am trying to receive. I would expect HTTP 400 instead. Is there a way to configure this?
haven't used it but it seems it can customize the behavior: https://ktor.io/servers/features/status-pages.html
👍 1
Copy code
install(StatusPages) {
        exception<JsonProcessingException> {
            call.respond(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "Invalid JSON")
Solved it for me. Strange that this isn't the default for Jackson serialization.
Not sure how it could be the default. What response do you want to send? Plain text? JSON? Stack trace or not?
Anything else would be better than just HTTP 500 + empty body. I'd expect HTTP 400 + empty body for bad requests by default. Not a response that indicates "the server is broken".
500 doesn't indicate the server is broken. It indicates an internal error, which is what happened.
It indicates an internal server error, yes. Which means the client is not at fault.
No, it means that an error occurred and it wasn't successfully detected as invalid input. There are plenty of other cases where such a thing could happen, as well. Suppose you send a negative number instead of a positive one. It will deserialize just fine still, but perhaps some internal logic won't know how to handle that. Boom, 500. Doesn't mean it wasn't invalid input.
In a perfect world, sure, 500 would always mean that the input was 100% valid (otherwise it would have been a 4xx). But, that's not the world we inhabit 😕
re negative numbers: That's an entirely different thing, because then yes, my application is at fault. But I'd expect a JSON deserializer in a web framework to handle invalid input and not just throw exceptions which then propagate as http 500 to the client. Spring doesn't do that either 😉