Sorry if this is off topic, but I have finished a ...
# ktor
Sorry if this is off topic, but I have finished a hobby project with ktor which is a REST API. Now I want to make it publicly available, but I need some monitoring system / see usage graphs etc. Is there something that either integrates with ktor or is just a free API gateway in general? I want some kind of a dashboard where I can see how my ktor API is doing.
you might get better answers in #random tbh since this applies to really any kind of service you wanna monitor
that said, I think datadog has a free tier you might find useful
though retention is only like 24 hours, so maybe not that useful 😬
I’m using a NGINX as reverse proxy. In the free tier you can use the simple
It is also possible to adjuste the
in nginx and run Webalizer on it.