Hi, I'm Android developer, want to develop Rest ap...
# ktor
Hi, I'm Android developer, want to develop Rest api. Can any one explain me how can i host Ktor application in aws server.
@Madhan Look at this journey w/ sample code. https://reladev.org/my-kotlin-aws-journey/ On AWS you can deploy container instances eg. docker or jar files without container. More on this topic is written in the doc
👍 2
@Bino thanks for your input. will check
If you just need something quick and not many endpoints, you could also just use AWS lambda. I use that when I need like 2-3 quick endpoints to get something done.
Actually I'm working on big project like healthcare project. for that we have admin panel and ios/android app. I find some difficulties in deployment.
Healthcare project? I think AWS has some hippa compliant locations. But besides AWS lambda I don't know much more. good luck.