Hi! I try to make a request with a body of id’s. S...
# ktor
Hi! I try to make a request with a body of id’s. So I have a serializable data class IdWrapper(val id: String) and set the body of the request to a list of IdWrapper instances. I though that should be it, but I get an exception saying “IdWrapper cannot be cast to String” when setting the `HttpRequestBuilder`’s body. Why is it expecting a String? Shouldn’t it accept
serializable object?
I have installed the
and annotated the data class with
. I have also tried to convert the list to json manually using
but this results in a
JsonObject cannot be cast to String
If you look at the specification HTTP bodies are
media type gives a hint of how to convert the string. A binary blob becomes base64 encoded string.
I have already set Content-Type header to application/json. Anything else I should specify? All my other requests works fine, except this one which tries to set a List of objects as body. @corneil
I got it now… I had to wrap my list of objects in another object. E.g.:
Copy code
data class IdObject(
  val id: String

data class IdList(
  val ids: List<IdObject>
Worked on first try 🙂