:question::question::question::question: Hi, I am ...
# ktor
Hi, I am now researching the situation with Swagger support in Ktor. If anyone is using Swagger please tell me which problems are you facing? I also found this project: https://github.com/nielsfalk/ktor-swagger?files=1 and some other community-driven implementation. If anyone tried them please tell your experience. Any response would be appreciated
icerock guys made nice work in moko-network lib https://github.com/icerockdev/moko-network and there is already multiplatfrom support with ktor in code-generator https://github.com/OpenAPITools/openapi-generator/pull/3900 meanwhile merged. I am using older fork of that generator in my project only for “data classes” generation in and api client is still hand written.
🙏 1
I have also find quite difficult a code generation with templates. I’ve had played a little bit with openapi parser and kotlinpoet
@Michal Harakal , have you tried anything for generating API from ktor code?
I am not sure, if I’ve got the question, I was playing only with code generation on the client side (for Kotlinmultilatform, Android and iOS)