Is there a way to `.receive()` response using ktor...
# ktor
Is there a way to
response using ktor client to access
while also accessing the response body as a type? What I mean is,
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ktorClient.request<HttpStatement> {...}.receive<HttpResponse>()
seems to be one way to receive responses while
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ktorClient.request<HttpStatement> {...}.receive<MyJsonModel>()
seems to be a way to receive the body as a predefined data class. However, due to needs in highly customized logging and whatnot, I need a way to access HttpResponse along with parsing it into MyJsonModel. What I would've preferred is something along the lines of
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val response = ktorClient.request<HttpStatement> {...}.receive<HttpResponse>()
// do things with response and then...
return response.parseBodyAs(
but there doesn't seem to be a way to do so. Do I have to parse myself using serializers manually if I decide to receive as
Can't you call the recieve function with a model type on a response?
that would generate an error that says it's a duplicate receive call - .receive() can only be called once per request as far as I can see. However, I got around this problem by either parsing it manually with ObjectMapper() or solving it entirely differently so that I don't need the HttpStatement/HttpResponse access in the first place.
I use this:
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var call: HttpClientCall? = null

                try {
                    call = {
                        method = <http://HttpMethod.Post|HttpMethod.Post>
                        for (entry in parameters) {
                            parameter(entry.key, entry.value)

                    Logger.d(LOG_TAG, "$requestName sending new Request: ${call.request.url}")
                    val received = call.receive<JsonObject>()
                    Logger.d(LOG_TAG, "$requestName Response success [statusCode: ${call.response.status}]: \n$received")

                    serverResponse = handler.createResponse(received)
                } catch (err: Throwable) {
                    Logger.e(LOG_TAG, "$requestName Request failed: $err")

                    if (err is ResponseException) {
                        val received = err.response.receive<JsonObject>()
                        if (call != null) {
                            Logger.d(LOG_TAG, "$requestName ERROR got response [statusCode: ${call.response.status}]: \n[$err]\n$received")

                        errorResponse = ErrorResponse(received)

                    } else {
                        offlineException = OfflineException(err.message, err)