Are there any examples of doing HTTP2 full duplex ...
# ktor
Are there any examples of doing HTTP2 full duplex examples using KTor client?
The full duplex nature of HTTP2 is an implementation detail that is not visible to people actually doing HTTP which remains in a classic request/response pattern. Even some of the client-visible features like push promise still falls into the request/response model.
True, but I dont see an obvious way to do a reactive API on top that can send and receive multiple payloads given the API surface area of the ktor client
Well that's what I'm saying is that you can't in any client because that's not how HTTP works even when using HTTP/2 as the transport. It's full duplex only as an implementation details.
If you want something that is exposed at the actual application layer you need to use something like gRPC instead
I got a design for it at the app layer already, its more can I use ktor client, or do I need to go lower right to Netty layer to have a layer low enough to build the publisher/consumer like RxNetty