Hello trying to get ktor to work inside my kotlin ...
# ktor
Hello trying to get ktor to work inside my kotlin multiplatform project but when i build my ios app using the shared library i get Unresolved reference io. i'm using gradle 6.0 and ktor 1.2.4 and kotlin 1.3.50 maybe it's a wrong combinaison of versions between kotlin ktor and gradle?
I get the same error. Subsrcibing to comments 🙂
Hi @mben, could you show your build.gradle configuration?
Sans titre
Already have
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and working android side
when gradle version is 5.4.1, kotlin 1.3.50 and ktor 1.2.4 ios works, wich version of ktor should i use with gradle 6.0?
Ok for people that use gradle 5.4.1+ and have same issue you should use ktor version 1.3.0-beta-1 with coroutines 1.3.1 -> https://ktor.io/quickstart/migration/1.3.0.html