I am using Ktor on the client side, using ```Param...
# ktor
I am using Ktor on the client side, using
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Parameters.apply { append(key, value) }
issue is that it is encoding spaces as ‘+’, whereas I need then as ‘%20’. Anybody know if there is a way to adjust this? Or perhaps (like Retrofit) there could be an ‘appendEncoded()’ type call? Thank you!
Debugging the calls, I see this code in HttpUrlEncoded is being used:
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fun List<Pair<String, String?>>.formUrlEncodeTo(out: Appendable) {
        out, "&"
    ) {
        val key = it.first.encodeURLParameter(spaceToPlus = true)
        if (it.second == null) {
        else {
            val value = it.second.toString().encodeURLParameter(spaceToPlus = true)
Seems kind of rude to assume we want spaces as pluses. The encodeURLParameter even defaults to false, but this code is overriding that.