I apologize if this has been asked before, but I'm...
# ktor
I apologize if this has been asked before, but I'm having trouble figuring out what to search for. Is Ktor meant primarily to be a web based library, or is it a good fit for other connected uses (e.g. controlling DMX devices)?
@Ruckus in my experience ktor is a web-framework covering the cases such as HTTP communication, Websocket communication, serialization/deserialization etcetera. What do you mean by controlling a DMX device?
My particular interest is making software for controlling a Christmas Light show. It uses a protocol called E1.31 (or sACN, same thing) which is basically DMX over ethernet. This is lower level than my my current field of expertise, and most of the current work is done in C/C++. The few examples I've found in Java use the Java networking API, but I was hoping to make an MPP library (the "IDE" will be built with JavaFX, while the show runner will be native), and I thought Ktor could be a good fit. Unfortunately this is a bit outside my comfort zone, and I'm still kind of in the "I don't know what I don't know" stage, so this question may be premature. Here's an example of what we do if you're interested:


I feel like Ktor primarily concerns itself with HTTP
if you’re trying to implement a server for some other protocol on top of TCP, then I don’t think Ktor will really help
Alright, good to know. Thanks for answering my rather vague questions 🙂
👍 1
@Ruckus Maybe netty itself might be something to look at https://netty.io/
Will do, thanks