I really stuck with this: I need to integrate flyw...
# ktor
I really stuck with this: I need to integrate flyway with the ktor and a custom application.conf file. I have my database connection configured in the application.conf, so I need to have it also use in the flyway when applying migrations... and the place where the conf file is read changes, on my machine is resources/application.conf, on production, who knows, it will be passed as an argument. It looks like a normal configuration, however, it's not really easy to do it.
common, I was playing with that this weekend. Look this: https://github.com/JMagnoJunior/kotlin-ktor-example
Hey. Thanks. You did what I want to avoid. You have hardcoded the database connection in the gradle file. This way it would be hard to deploy the application on production using different database settings.
I am learning kotlin, so I would like to have suggestion about this project to know what I could improve. Maybe it's "too spring" style. I don't know.
@Szymon Lipiński but take a look on the tests
I'm learning ktor too. I don't know how to do implement it properly. I want to have settings in one file. I thought about using the application.conf in development, build jar, then use external application.conf on a server with
java -jar x-all.jar -config=production_application.conf
. In this case I think having the flyway db connection in the gradle build is not the best idea. But I cannot do it differently.
you can use this same api but to use the config from the application.config file
The tests also have a hardcoded db connection. I cannot use it, as I cannot use h2 for testing.
So this is my problem currently: how to remove flyway settings from gradle.build and use the properties.conf everywhere 🙂
yes.. It was hardcoded, but you don't need to... This is a kotlin file. you can use the config file as you want.
I'd read it from the application.conf. This is the easy part. The hard part is to use flyway without storing the db connection in two files.
you can use this, but getting the config from app. Something like this:
Copy code
        val flyway: Flyway = Flyway.configure()
        .dataSource("config.dburl, config.user, null)
do the migration from the code https://flywaydb.org/getstarted/firststeps/api
yeah, the thing Magno says
I did not use on my project because the setup was different. But I will change it. Maybe today on the end of the day.
oh, this way... it makes sense, thank you. I tried to put all the stuff in gradle and I couldn't figure out how to.
@Szymon Lipiński your project is public? If it is I would like to see.. if it's not, no problem 😃
It's not. There is barely anything working. I just started. I have a basic ktor app with one route and now I'm trying to add the flyway stuff.
ok... 😢
I will have a working example today