is there somewhere an example for parallel file up...
# ktor
is there somewhere an example for parallel file upload with ktor client?
i am somehow stuck a bit .. i have a suspend function
importFile(file) {client.submitFormWithBinaryData(bla)}
and a function
importDirectory(dir) {dir.listFiles().forEach{importFile(it)}}
.. i want to upload the files in parallel, do some processing with the result returned from the server. best would be if i also had control over the level of concurrency (nr. of threads?)
anyone aware of some example code going in that direction?
i came up with something like this
Copy code
coroutineScope {
   { async { importFile(it, repositoryId) } }.map { it.await() }.forEach { handleResult() }
does that make sense?
The only thing I'll say is to use
instead of
map { it.await() }
. You can read the doc to find out why it's better.
@Dominaezzz do you have more experience with the ktor http client? i try to upload around 30k files with around 3mb each .. and the client always dies on me with weird exceptions. java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException: Connection lease request time out as an example
i tried different clients (jetty, apache) and they all die with some bullshit exceptions. it's quite frustrating
i also tried playing around with things like threadsCount, setMaxConnTotal, connectTimeout etc
nothing helps
a stupid simple python script or curl works though without problems
Hmm, what happens when you upload sequentially?
without async{} you mean?
this i haven't tried .. but i mean what's the point then in using an async client?
but let me check
It might not be the client, it might be the server. This is just a debugging process.
server is also written with ktor
seems to work without async
the code which seems to work looks like this
Copy code { importFile(it, repositoryId) }.forEach { resp ->
            when (resp.first) {
                HttpStatusCode.OK -> File(statusDirectory, resp.third.nameWithoutExtension + ".ok").createNewFile()
                else -> File(statusDirectory, resp.third.nameWithoutExtension + ".fail").writeText(resp.second)
what doesnt work is
Copy code
coroutineScope {
   { async(httpClient.coroutineContext) { importFile(it, repositoryId) } }.map { it.await() }.forEach { resp ->
                when (resp.first) {
                    HttpStatusCode.OK -> File(statusDirectory, resp.third.nameWithoutExtension + ".ok").createNewFile()
                    else -> File(statusDirectory, resp.third.nameWithoutExtension + ".fail").writeText(resp.second)
oh .. now also the one without async failed .. again with a different exception
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Unexpected request state READY at org.apache.http.util.Asserts.check( at org.apache.http.nio.protocol.HttpAsyncRequestExecutor.outputReady(
i hate it
i have seen this error before ..Unexpected request state READY.. even posted it here a while again .. no one had an idea
i added some retry logic now it seems to be stable .. but still very annoying
Hi Sascha, this seems like a downloader/uploader patter, as it is explained by Roman Elizarov in last KotlinConf 2018
did you have a look at his implementation?

I believe it is focused in Frontend, but you may be able to extract some hints for Ktor?
I hope this helps
cool thx .. i'll take a look
doesnt look to me like its focussed on frontend .. just general coroutines stuff .. but yeah. maybe i try to rewrite my code with channels .. maybe that makes it more clear.
👍 1