I'm not sure if this is intended behavior, but I'm...
# ktor
I'm not sure if this is intended behavior, but I'm having trouble with basic authentication and route interception with Ktor. When I set up a basic authentication provider and put a simple
handler inside an
block, I'll be prompted for credentials when I try to access the route, so once the
handler starts being executed, I can access the
and start finding data associated with the account. However, I now want to expand my
block to include multiple routes, so I thought I could handle the initial processing of the principal/account inside an
block. Yet, when I try to do this, I am not prompted for my credentials and therefore the
inside the interceptor is null. How can I get Ktor to prompt me for my credentials from within a route interceptor inside an
This code properly prompts me for my credentials when I try to access the dashboard route.
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routing {
    authenticate("teacherAuth") {
        get("dashboard") {
            val principal = call.principal<UserIdPrincipal>()!!
            val schoolName = principal.name
            val school = transaction {
                School.find { Schools.name eq schoolName }.singleOrNull()
            if (school == null)
                call.respondText("No school \"$schoolName\" found")
                call.respondHtml {
This code does not prompt me for my credentials when I try to access the dashboard route.
Copy code
authenticate("teacherAuth") {
    val schoolKey = AttributeKey<School>("school")

    intercept(ApplicationCallPipeline.Setup) {
        val principal = call.principal<UserIdPrincipal>()!!
        val schoolName = principal.name
        val school = transaction {
            School.find { Schools.name eq schoolName }.singleOrNull()
        if (school == null) {
            call.respondText("No school \"$schoolName\" found")
            return@intercept finish()
        call.attributes.put(schoolKey, school)

    get("dashboard") {
        val school = call.attributes[schoolKey]
        call.respondHtml {
If your client is a browser, it may cache your credentials for follow-up requests to same domain: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7617#section-2.2
For my application, I will likely have people entering large amounts of data over a reasonably long period of time. Am I supposed to let it authenticate once when visiting the dashboard and let it cache the credentials for the remaining requests? What happens if the cache expires sometime after while someone is still working?
I think it depends on a browser. From my experience, e.g. Chrome never ask to re-enter credentials while tab is open. Anyway, if you want more controllable or/and customize you need to use your own authentication.