:mega: ktor `1.2.4` has been released * Fixed mul...
# ktor
📣 ktor
has been released * Fixed multipart form header entity separator * Fixed crypto in IE11 (#1283) * Marked response transient in the client exception (#1256) * Fixed network on main thread in okhttp engine close * Fixed follow redirect iOS (#1000) * Kotlin 1.3.50 * kotlinx.coroutines 1.3.0 Notice: Kotlin 1.3.50 is required to work properly with Kotlin Native JVM: at least kotlin 1.3.41 is required, 1.3.50+ is recommended. https://ktor.io/quickstart/migration/1.2.4.html
K 9
K 6
🎉 30
Is the Kotlin version requirement for Kotlin/JVM, or Kotlin/Native? Are one or two sentences being used at the end of the message?