Hi, I'm new here. I can't run Ktor app inside Kotl...
# ktor
Hi, I'm new here. I can't run Ktor app inside Kotlin Multiplatform project using IntelliJ IDEA. When I click the run button, I get
Error: Could not find or load main class ApplicationKt
message. And I realized that the IDEA execute java command without build output directories in
option. What could possibly cause this problem? I spent about four days on this. Really need help.
You can add the parameter yourself by changing the run configuration that got created
I found VM options in the run configuration, but it doesn't seem to solve my problem perfectly. 1. I have to put full absolute path 2. It replaces classpath instead of adding it 3. How can I keep the settings inside Git?
@lenqnr just mentioned you post on an issue I created a month ago on that problem. It should really be fixed because it gives a terrible feedback. https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/KT-31384
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@gaetan Thank you for your help! I found a temporary solution looking around the link you gave me. https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/KT-24463#focus=streamItem-27-2874119.0-0 Now I can work on my project. I hope it'll be fixed soon. Thank you again!
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