Is the ktor client auth feature not multiplatform ...
# ktor
Is the ktor client auth feature not multiplatform compatible? i thought so but getting unresolved reference and only has a jvm folder
server features are not mpp yet
client features are placed in another place
Do you have client auth dependencies included?
It is mpp
in my common dependencies i have implementation "io.ktorktor client auth$ktor_version"
along with implementation "io.ktorktor client core$ktor_version"
ktor_version = "1.2.0"
in my android dependencies implementation "io.ktorktor client android$ktor_version"
Just tried it and it seems to work well
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commonMain {
    dependencies {
        implementation kotlin('stdlib-common')
        implementation "io.ktor:ktor-client-core:1.2.0"
        implementation "io.ktor:ktor-client-auth:1.2.0"
Do you see any errors? What is your gradle version?
We actually have known issue regarding gradle metadata version: we use gradle 5.3 in ktor that is too new. Perhaps you need to upgrade it
thanks, great that it is mpp compatible. i wasn't sure for a second. my gradle is 5.4.1. the in my common code it doesn't show an error. import io.ktor.client.features.auth.Auth is resolving. but when i try to compile it, it doesn't resolve
wait I will try to use gradle 5.3
If no luck you can always include jvm dependcies explicitly
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jvmMain {
    dependencies {
        implementation kotlin('stdlib')
        implementation "io.ktor:ktor-client-core-jvm:1.2.0"
        implementation "io.ktor:ktor-client-auth-jvm:1.2.0"
maybe there is something obviously wrong
meanwhile I will try the approach you suggested
damn I couldn't get it working. any ideas what I'm doing wrong? I will give it another try tomorrow
I had simliar problems trying to add the kotlin kissme library to the project. So I came to the conclusion that it has nothing to do with ktor itself. There might be something wrong with my gradle setup. Sorry for the false alarm and thank you for helping out! 🙂
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implementation "io.ktor:ktor-client-auth-jvm:$ktor_version"
to the android dependencies finally lets me compile the android project. But somehow it doesn't add a
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header to the request. I double checked everything and checking the reuest with charles but no header gets throught.
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HttpClient {
                    install(Auth) {
                        basic {
                            username = email
                            password = pw
Are there any nown issues about that behavoir?