what is a clean way to have the same code for get(...
# ktor
what is a clean way to have the same code for get("/") and post("/") ?
Define the lambda beforehand and then pass it to both?
Just wondering what's the use case to have both get and post for the same url if you will handle them in the same way.
because a service I do not have control over uses get for small requests and post for large
Trying to make a lambda would force me to make a suspend lambda and I can't find a way to write it
Copy code
val foo = fun PipelineContext<Unit, ApplicationCall>.(it: Unit) {
            val query = call.receiveParameters()["query"]
            val content = "test"
                , ContentType.Text.Plain
Copy code
suspend fun request(ctx: PipelineContext<Unit, ApplicationCall>) {
            val query = ctx.call.receiveParameters()["query"] …} 
post("/") { request(this) }
works like that