Puzzled with the JSON deserialization error from t...
# ktor
Puzzled with the JSON deserialization error from the Ktor Client library (using version 1.1.4 with Gson 2.8.5) on Android: Fail to run receive pipeline: io.ktor.client.call.NoTransformationFoundException: No transformation found: class io.ktor.client.engine.android.AndroidHttpResponse -> class kotlin.Array Why does the error mention AndroidHttpResponse?
Trying to get a Array of BatteryInfo. Below is the BatteryInfo model:
Copy code
data class BatteryInfo(
    val id: Int,
    val timestamp: Timestamp,
    val channel: Int,
    val battery: Battery,
    val site: Int
Here is the Timestamp model:
Copy code
data class Timestamp(
    val year: Int,
    val month: Int,
    val day: Int,
    val hour: Int,
    val minute: Int
Here is the Battery model:
Copy code
data class Battery(
    val voltage: Double,
    val current: Double,
    val temp: Double,
    val socTemp: Double,
    val charger: Boolean,
    val heater: Boolean,
    val connect: Boolean,
    val sentMean: Double,
    val cells: Array<BatteryCell>,
    val disconnect: Boolean
Here is the BatteryCell model:
Copy code
data class BatteryCell(
    @Expose val id: Int,
    @Expose val meanVolt: Double,
    @Expose val temp: Double,
    @Expose val load: Double = 0.0
All other web APIs (HTTP based) that return JSON in the response work fine with the Ktor Client (Android version) library. The custom CLI client which also uses Ktor Client (JVM version) library works fine with ALL web APIs.
I also had some weird pipeline errors lately, I configured the ContentNegotiation and was fixed.