I have been building a small http server with ktor...
# ktor
I have been building a small http server with ktor on heroku and I have reached a point where I want to have some metrics. I'm mainely building android apps so in my world there are things like crashlytics and amplitude. can you point me to a possible solution for monitoring errors, i.e. 40*, 50*, or other non fatal issues? 😄
Depends on what you’re looking for, and if you favor “magical” integration (convenient, but fragile) or more manual integration (less convenient, less fragile). New Relic’s bytecode-weaving agent is a good example of the former, and there are others in that vein too. In general this segment is called “APM” if you want something to google (application performance monitoring)
Thank you 😊
There is an API to plug your own implementation into: https://ktor.io/advanced/events.html Also there is an ongoing work on providing metrics publishing via micrometer, so you may be a bit better off to wait for it: https://github.com/ktorio/ktor/pull/1037