What database framework/library are you guys using...
# ktor
What database framework/library are you guys using for ktor?
Currently Exposed
I like exposed but it is not really useful for me as I have a Postgres Database with jsonb entities. And some of my queries need to use custom postgres functions and use columns out of the jsonb object.
I am using JOOQ ( https://www.jooq.org/ ) which is Java based. The entire DB logic layer for my commercial server app is written in Kotlin. Unfortunately JOOQ doesn't have Kotlin support for its code generator ( https://github.com/jOOQ/jOOQ/issues/6345 ). JOOQ has a official Getting Started guide for Kotlin: https://www.jooq.org/doc/3.11/manual/getting-started/jooq-and-kotlin/
+1 for jooq. I put together https://bitbucket.org/marshallpierce/ktor-demo/src/master/ to show how to use jooq with ktor (as well as other common libs) in a working, relatively feature complete stack.
👍 2
javax.sql wiht extensions
Currently a custom made wrapper for mongodb. Thinking about open sourcing it as stand-alone project.