Not specifically about Ktor but we just released a...
# ktor
Not specifically about Ktor but we just released a plugin to convert HTML code to Kotlinx.html. It makes sense in a Ktor context.
Yeah, we had an idea to implement similar thing right in ktor IDE plugin
I’ve been waiting for this feature for a long time 😉. Then I thought: “That’s a nice and small contribution for the community, let’s do it!”
You could contribute it directly to ktor IDE plugin, no? 🙂
Yes, but I didn’t know its existence 😉. We can add this feature/code inside Ktor plugin. However, it also makes sense outside of Ktor so it should exist as an independent plugin, no?
of course, just kidding 🙂 a separate thing might even be better, but there is always a case for balance… 300 plugins doing small things, or 3 plugins doing everything and their brother. microservices? 🙂