Hi there, sorry new to ktor - wondering if someone...
# ktor
Hi there, sorry new to ktor - wondering if someone could point me in the direction of what is the best practice to validating that a header is present in a request. E.g. something equivalent to Spring
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@RequestHeader(value = "X-API-Key", required = true)
👆 1
Pretty sure there is a
function in the routing setup
Maybe a little custom Feature that hooks the requests and returns whatever if the header's not there...
We ended up writing something like this. Feels a bit hacky though 😕
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fun Route.requireHeaders(vararg headerNames: String, build: Route.() -> Unit): Route {
    val selector = HttpHeaderExistRouteSelector(headerNames)
    return createChild(selector).apply(build)
And then using it in the routes
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route("endpoint") {
            requireHeaders("REQUIRED_HEADER", "REQUIRED_HEADER_2") {
                get("available") {
Not a bad solution 😉. How would you have preferred it to look?