Hello everyone, I'm trying to publish a multiplatf...
# ktor
Hello everyone, I'm trying to publish a multiplatform project to Maven. I've copied Ktor .gradle files, but when I try to run the
task I get the following error:
Copy code
* Where:
Script 'D:\Coding\Borsellino\gradle\publish.gradle' line: 45

* What went wrong:
Could not evaluate onlyIf predicate for task ':borsellino-eth:publishKotlinMultiplatformPublicationToMavenLocal'.
> Cannot get property 'isLinuxHost' on extra properties extension as it does not exist
I've made sure that I applied the
file properly inside my project
file as follows:
Copy code
if (!rootProject.ext.skipPublish.contains(project.name)) {
    apply from: rootProject.file('gradle/publish.gradle')
Where should I look to check I got everything properly set up?
Hi @Riccardo Montagnin, ktor have to be backward compatible and publish with a lot of tweaks.
@e5l Tahnk you very much, I will look at it right now!
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@e5l Can I take this question into a DM? I would like some more in depth explanation of some things you do inside Ktor
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