When uploading an base64 encoded image with ktor-c...
# ktor
When uploading an base64 encoded image with ktor-core (common sourceset) when the image is bigger than around 200k I get the following error:
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IllegalArgumentException {message_8yp7un$_0: "should should be greater than write space + end ga… = 9, writeRemaining = 0, endGap = 8, rem+gap = 8", cause_th0jdv$_0: null, name: "IllegalArgumentException", stack: "IllegalArgumentException: should should be greater…8td$_0 (<http://localhost:9000/bundle.js:31435:19>)"}
👀 1
My base64 file represented by a string is bigger than 1MB, I guess that’s the big deal here?
I should probably upload the bytes of that file, not its representation from FileReader() in js
I think the best way to upload images would be using the
body request type. With that you no longer have to process the file and have no limit on its dimension
So you wouldn't use multi part?
I would use it! I send all my files using
Content-Type: multipart/form-data
and had no problem about their sizes
Do you have an example of form using this with ktor-client?
There's an example inside the official documentation: https://ktor.io/clients/http-client/calls/requests.html#multipart-form-data https://ktor.io/clients/http-client/calls/requests.html#submit-form
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val data: List<PartData> = formData {
    // Can append: String, Number, ByteArray and Input.
    append("hello", "world")
    append("number", 10)
    append("ba", byteArrayOf(1, 2, 3, 4))
    append("input", inputStream.asInput())
    // Allow to set headers to the part:
    append("hello", "world", headersOf("X-My-Header" to "MyValue"))
Ah nice I totally missed that
I only miss now how to go from the inputFile type to an inputStream or even a byteArray, who cares if we sent it in multi part correctly!
I continue to hit a buffer limit in IoBuffer in kotlin-io I guess
Could you post your code here?
@Riccardo Montagnin I posted a but to ktor.io and it seems they have already a fix for it planned for 1.1.3 https://github.com/ktorio/ktor/issues/956