what is the major difference between Ktor and <htt...
# ktor
what is the major difference between Ktor and http4k.org?
http4k vs ktor http4k -> Toolkit for serving and consuming HTTP services in a functional and consistent way. ktor -> Web backend framework for Kotlin. Easy to use, fun and asynchronous. Use Ktor (http://ktor.io/) for all projects.
well, ktor is also consistent and functional
one main difference is that ktor uses coroutines and is non blocking while http4k is blocking for now.
in this case, "consistent" refers to the symmetric HttpHandler interface (actually a typealias) which is used to represent both server services and HTTP clients. Because of this symmetry, you can plug one into the other, which is really powerful - for example a unit test for a server endpoint can be reused as a test to a remote server by just switching out the HttpHandler with an HTTP client.